Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Nintendo sixty-fourrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!

I recently obtained a Japanese copy of Ocarina of Time. I popped the cart in and after five minutes of gameplay, the fucker reset! Then the console had a resetting seizure for a good two minutes. It would have probably been longer if I hadn't turned the console off. Searching on Google yields no help; it's anything from over heating to a bad power cord. I don't think it's the cord because I was using the cord this past new years with a different console.

So, anyone who crosses this blog: do you have any ideas on how to fix this?


  1. I loved that game!
    I have a limited edition US version of ocarina of time myself xD

  2. Nice! supposedly the gold cartridge has a different Fire Temple theme than the regular grey cart. The gold carts are pretty expensive on eBay otherwise I'd get one. :(

  3. Probably trading it in for an American copy. You're playing a jap-modded game on an USA-modded system.

  4. Nah, It happens with any I use.

  5. i love the nintendo sixty four but where i leave i can`t buy the joystiks!!! and mine have a stick problem :(

  6. Yeah i remember that, that sucks

  7. My experience with cart-based systems has taught me they're much tougher than disc-based... but when they crap out, they're dead for good.
